Admission Procedure

Prashnottar strives to develop a system which shall continuously assess the needs and enhance the quality and standards of coaching process in Engineering and Medical education as well as for National level competitive entrance exams.
Our objective is to attract and nurture talent, provide them with best opportunities for career advancement and inculcate the spirit of excellence in engineering and medical aspirants.
We conduct twice a year Scientific Scholarship aptitude test through which we provide top performing students scholarships and the students who get admission through this test get benefits like discount in fees structure.
We at Prashnottar, offer admissions in various Medical, Engineering and Foundations courses in different programs like Regular Classroom Program. Admission processes may vary from one course to another course. However, We provide Direct Admission.

Registration form is attached in next page get it filled and submit it during your center visit along with Rs 500 registration fees.
Or you can mail registration form to our mail id:

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